
Welcome to a LOVELI perspective

Wednesday 28 November 2012

He's soooooo into me!

This is easily one of my favourite clips taken from the 2009 film 'He's not that into you'. As a spin off inspired by the infamous 'Sex and the City' series, this particular clip see's Mary Harris (Drew Barrymore) complaining to her friend about the endless technological advances (once upon a time developed to make communication more straightforward) acting as tedious barriers between 21st century recipients.

This film clip sprang to mind as the novelty of purchasing my new 'smarty pants' phone quickly wore off. With an app for everything and I mean EVERYTHING I suddenly had this feeling dawn on me that I was becoming way too accessible too quickly. As each app downloaded I realised as well as being able to make a simple phone call, if that didn't suffice I could think up another 15 ways - at least, that someone could contact me! Then my brain cells started to work over time in this female mind of mine, that actually, it kind of boarder lines rude if someone DOESN'T contact me (and of course visa-versa). Not only do we not have the excuse of not picking up the phone to call if for some reason we don't have a person's number or should we run out of minutes to call with, but it's now expected that we must at least have their Facebook, or maybe their Twitter, what about their Skype? LinkedIn? Email? Instagram? Kick? Ping chat? you get my point, the list goes on...

Recently, my two other friends and I found ourselves in a similar predicament. With all this fancy technology out there its a shame there hasn't been an app developed that you can download called GET HIM TO CALL ME! OR TEXT ME BACK DAMN IT! (okay maybe not the damn it part) but after receiving the revelation of how important it is for a lady to let a gentlemen pursue her as part of the wooing process for him to win her heart and hand in marriage, this whole waiting game had become a tad annoying. So he's not texting or calling or 'liking' your statuses...girl have I got news for you- yup guess what, he's a human, a male one at that and he WILL disappoint. Just like everything else in this world that has the potential to stamp all over your over rated expectations, shatter dreams or just simply frustrate your patience- men, friends, children, money, cars and health do too! They're temporal and have the ability to malfunction from time to time (1 John 2:17)

So once I understood this I can only share with you what I did next. I reminded myself of God's heart towards me, and that I should trust His everlasting, unfailing, infallible love that would never desire to hurt me. With a heart that will never change towards me and a love that is never based on unattainable expectations, performance or perfection by the world's standards I was faced with two options a) I could take matters into my own hands, throw a tantrum because I don't understand, become impatient and remain self absorbed and selfish or b) Trust that God was doing His thing and kick back and enjoy the ride.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,  neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38

It says it right there that God's love for me isn't going anywhere.

A good friend once told me that you can not put your trust in anyone's heart towards you or even the external situations and circumstances that you find yourself in in this world. However, you can always trust God's heart towards you. Meaning, regardless of whether you're having a good day or a bad day or if you find yourself in difficulty in your friendships or relationships, His heart towards you is not phased by any of these things. You are never left alone in the midst of anything He will never punish you or leave you, which I guess is reassuring when we examine ourselves first and foremost and then we look around at the self absorbed, self obsessed, self gratifying world we live in. A never ending love without condition or clause is gladly welcomed, like a fresh running stream in a sandy dry desert.

How my friend's and I desired for the men in our lives to pursue us that is how God pursues us. We felt there was plenty of opportunity for them to make the effort and in them not contacting us we took it as they don't care. We felt taken for granted and rejected. Imagine how God feels. I sometimes wonder if He feels rejected when contacting Him doesn't even require an electronic device. Just a few words... prayer can be done in private or said out loud. Prayer is how we communicate and fellowship with God and we're permitted to call on him at anytime but how often do we make use of this privilege and when we do how do we use it? Do we use it to glorify and praise him for all that we have or do we use it to make requests and beg for those things that we don't have and believe we are entitled to?

The way a lady would like a man to pursue her is much like how God pursues us. In an intensely personal and unyielding way, creatively and gently with an abundance of supernatural patience. Whilst we're spending our time desiring the things of this world that will pass away, God is trying to get our attention and look for ways to please us and be close to us and we reject Him for things that will fail us??? He knows and carefully plans around where we are at in our lives and comes after us in a way that is incredibly bespoke to each and everyone of us. He is forgiving and merciful and also extremely humble. He knows that when we seek Him and accept Him everything else will work out effortlessly, yet he doesn't impose Himself on us, manipulate us or pressurise us.

I guess the bottom line is God will never miss your call, not reply to your text or never not like your status. You have his undivided attention whenever you choose to log in and message Him back.

UCB Word of the day

1) Lord, teach me to pray
2) Lord, teach me to pray