
Welcome to a LOVELI perspective

Tuesday 22 January 2013

The present is a gift

Do you ever find yourself living so far ahead that your future becomes your past before it even makes it into your present? I know I do.

The word says...
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:25-34

...Whilst the world says...YOLO! (You only live once)

We dwell in an extremist culture. We’re either having too much fun, or none at all, working ourselves into an early grave or lazy to the point of self destruction. There’s no moderation, steadfastness or balance, just an unyielding need for instant gratification with an expectation for the future to sort itself out OR on the other end of the spectrum - the illusion we’re totally in control and we’ll sort it all out by ourselves!

Both approaches I’d argue are problematic.


In the context of Western 21st century culture where we our bound to our 'stuff' and where there is an extremely murky line between who we are and what we own, the general thought process is that we are validated by our 'success' and how well we 'perform' a certain role or task. This is usually determined on a scale of what material possessions we have to show for our efforts, skills and abilities.

Our own interests within a materialism mindset is centered around self and control. How we look, what we earn, where we go etc. This whole striving for an identity shaped by a system that mass produces it and then hands it back, is so deeply embedded into our being we hardly notice it.

When Jesus says don’t worry about tomorrow each day will take care of itself I’m pretty sure He didn’t mean YOLO. I believe this catchphrase has most probably contributed to most of the turmoil our culture finds itself in at these present times. All YOLO seems to do is justify reckless behaviour that is produced by an impulsive nature to escape the discomfort of any difficult situation- it produces an easy way out. Cast your mind back to every decision you ever made with the last line of the debate in your head ending in ‘you only live once’ and think what came of it...yep those new shoes seemed like a real good idea to me at the time too but now they’re sat at the bottom of my wardrobe gathering dust whilst the money is sat on my credit card gathering interest...that’s just one example of mine...

In a time where expenses exceed incomes and desires far out weigh means, faced with the prospect of an uncertain future, short lived self satisfaction out rules long term planning. Do you ever recall having a desire that you satisfied and it remained curbed by your own efforts without being fed or replaced by something else? We are insatiable beings who in all honesty love the easy way out- shoving problems under the carpet 'until tomorrow' is what we do best...

Don’t worry about tomorrow...

When Jesus says don’t worry about tomorrow He’s suggesting you give whatever it is that's giving you a hard time to Him, not hide it away until you feel ready to take the reigns again and face it all on your own.

Once sober with the reality of actually facing a challenge, certain circumstances have a way of shifting our mindset to the glass is half empty rather than half full. 

It’s undeniable, we are living in tough times: economically, socially and spiritually but I guess I’m learning that half the fun is getting through the challenges and coming out the other end, living to tell the tale and fighting on another day...

They overcame by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony Revelations 12:11

Tis’ true, I’m sure we could all do with more money and if not then more love, and if its not that then success and then if its not that then something else the list goes on...There will always be a need and that's why we need a Saviour.

To conclude...

When we worry about tomorrow and focus on what we don’t have we are easily distracted by many things. From here we can often unintentionally express an attitude of ingratitude for where we’re at in our present circumstances. The achievements and blessings of today can become easily overlooked and disregarded.

What we forget whilst focusing on our future is that its a journey and a process in constant motion. Today is our future and the here and now is precious. God's timing is perfect so we must be patient and obedient.  The decisions we make today have a huge impact on our tomorrow. The things we put off facing today can potentially hold us back in years to come. 

So seize the opportunity today, break out of your wilderness; break habits, face fears and deal with issues. God will never leave you nor forsake you Deuteronomy 31:6 Make your requests known unto Him Philippians 4:6

‘What we do on some great occasion will probably depend on what we already are; and what we are will be the result of previous years of self-discipline’ H.P Liddon

There’s no point hoping for the husband if you’re insecure by yourself, or little use praying for prosperity if you are irresponsible with money...make the choice to face your problems today and put it in God's hands, ask Him to help you with the areas you struggle with and to come into the places that you need healing in.

It’s time to take a different approach, take a minute to cast your mind back to what you've come through in your life, give thanks for where you are now, pray for someone in a less fortunate situation than yourself and put your tomorrow in God’s hands and enjoy today...

The best gift you’ll ever receive is another day to wake up and get another shot at life:

Somebody is in the hospital right now begging God for the chance you have right NOW! (Be happy) Bishop Jakes

Wednesday 28 November 2012

He's soooooo into me!

This is easily one of my favourite clips taken from the 2009 film 'He's not that into you'. As a spin off inspired by the infamous 'Sex and the City' series, this particular clip see's Mary Harris (Drew Barrymore) complaining to her friend about the endless technological advances (once upon a time developed to make communication more straightforward) acting as tedious barriers between 21st century recipients.

This film clip sprang to mind as the novelty of purchasing my new 'smarty pants' phone quickly wore off. With an app for everything and I mean EVERYTHING I suddenly had this feeling dawn on me that I was becoming way too accessible too quickly. As each app downloaded I realised as well as being able to make a simple phone call, if that didn't suffice I could think up another 15 ways - at least, that someone could contact me! Then my brain cells started to work over time in this female mind of mine, that actually, it kind of boarder lines rude if someone DOESN'T contact me (and of course visa-versa). Not only do we not have the excuse of not picking up the phone to call if for some reason we don't have a person's number or should we run out of minutes to call with, but it's now expected that we must at least have their Facebook, or maybe their Twitter, what about their Skype? LinkedIn? Email? Instagram? Kick? Ping chat? you get my point, the list goes on...

Recently, my two other friends and I found ourselves in a similar predicament. With all this fancy technology out there its a shame there hasn't been an app developed that you can download called GET HIM TO CALL ME! OR TEXT ME BACK DAMN IT! (okay maybe not the damn it part) but after receiving the revelation of how important it is for a lady to let a gentlemen pursue her as part of the wooing process for him to win her heart and hand in marriage, this whole waiting game had become a tad annoying. So he's not texting or calling or 'liking' your statuses...girl have I got news for you- yup guess what, he's a human, a male one at that and he WILL disappoint. Just like everything else in this world that has the potential to stamp all over your over rated expectations, shatter dreams or just simply frustrate your patience- men, friends, children, money, cars and health do too! They're temporal and have the ability to malfunction from time to time (1 John 2:17)

So once I understood this I can only share with you what I did next. I reminded myself of God's heart towards me, and that I should trust His everlasting, unfailing, infallible love that would never desire to hurt me. With a heart that will never change towards me and a love that is never based on unattainable expectations, performance or perfection by the world's standards I was faced with two options a) I could take matters into my own hands, throw a tantrum because I don't understand, become impatient and remain self absorbed and selfish or b) Trust that God was doing His thing and kick back and enjoy the ride.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,  neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38

It says it right there that God's love for me isn't going anywhere.

A good friend once told me that you can not put your trust in anyone's heart towards you or even the external situations and circumstances that you find yourself in in this world. However, you can always trust God's heart towards you. Meaning, regardless of whether you're having a good day or a bad day or if you find yourself in difficulty in your friendships or relationships, His heart towards you is not phased by any of these things. You are never left alone in the midst of anything He will never punish you or leave you, which I guess is reassuring when we examine ourselves first and foremost and then we look around at the self absorbed, self obsessed, self gratifying world we live in. A never ending love without condition or clause is gladly welcomed, like a fresh running stream in a sandy dry desert.

How my friend's and I desired for the men in our lives to pursue us that is how God pursues us. We felt there was plenty of opportunity for them to make the effort and in them not contacting us we took it as they don't care. We felt taken for granted and rejected. Imagine how God feels. I sometimes wonder if He feels rejected when contacting Him doesn't even require an electronic device. Just a few words... prayer can be done in private or said out loud. Prayer is how we communicate and fellowship with God and we're permitted to call on him at anytime but how often do we make use of this privilege and when we do how do we use it? Do we use it to glorify and praise him for all that we have or do we use it to make requests and beg for those things that we don't have and believe we are entitled to?

The way a lady would like a man to pursue her is much like how God pursues us. In an intensely personal and unyielding way, creatively and gently with an abundance of supernatural patience. Whilst we're spending our time desiring the things of this world that will pass away, God is trying to get our attention and look for ways to please us and be close to us and we reject Him for things that will fail us??? He knows and carefully plans around where we are at in our lives and comes after us in a way that is incredibly bespoke to each and everyone of us. He is forgiving and merciful and also extremely humble. He knows that when we seek Him and accept Him everything else will work out effortlessly, yet he doesn't impose Himself on us, manipulate us or pressurise us.

I guess the bottom line is God will never miss your call, not reply to your text or never not like your status. You have his undivided attention whenever you choose to log in and message Him back.

UCB Word of the day

1) Lord, teach me to pray
2) Lord, teach me to pray

Monday 20 August 2012

Faith is the substance of things hoped for...

'Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...' Heb 11:1

Sister Act 2 is one of my favourite films. I played it repeatedly on VCR when I was young to the point my Nan feared the tape would snap and would hide it away.

It's only now I look back and realise how much I actually understood when I was younger.

Sister Act, for those of you who have never seen the film, is the ultimate 'feel good' movie. The only film that comes close to this, in my eyes is Coach Carter. Although I'm not much of a movie buff I will say that a lot of other films which have tried to run with it's formula haven't quite managed to pull it off, too much formula and not enough heart.

If someone asked me at 24, what it is that I enjoy about this film [Sister Act 2] I would probably say the narrative first and foremost. The story intrinsically shows the link between dreams and faith. It's beautifully based on biblical principals and delivered without blaspheming, offending or throwing Christianity needlessly into your face. It's an easy watch and is uplifting and inspiring, it does everything it needs to.

I do believe at 7 years of age this is something I understood without really articulating it to anyone.

This film clip in particular has popped into my head on more than one occasion recently as I've been really putting some serious thought into my writing. I've always dreamt of becoming a writer and hopefully doing it for a living one day but never really understood until recently that if that's what I really want then it's going to take time, discipline and practice and most importantly prayer. I heard a really good quote the other day that said 'Dreams without actions are just ideas...' and I'd really like this to become more than just a nice idea that I had when I was young.

In the film, Sister Mary Clarence (Whoopi Goldberg) speaks to Rita (Lauryn Hill) as she is drowning in frustration. She has a deep passion for music and singing is her gift but she sees no way of making the one thing she truly loves something that can help her 'make it in the real world.' With her Mom dead set against her dreams too Rita has developed despondent and bitter feelings towards any hope of singing ever becoming more than just a fantasy. Sister Mary Clarence goes out on a limb because she sees the potential in Rita- she sees the light. She encourages her in spite of her bad attitude and tough faced facade. She breaks through and encourages her through a story she read about being a writer.

I'm sure we can all relate. We all have dreams and a hope to make our mark on this world whatever our gifts are. As a child everything seems possible and that's because we try, we fail and we bounce back. And then try again! We're a lot more 'teachable' when we're younger, not taking correction as rejection but taking it as encouragement.

'If you wake up in the morning and you can't think of anything but singing first - you suppose to be a singer gurl!'

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Let's be real

My writing is quite sporadic I have to be honest.
Sometimes I feel like sharing my insights and most times I don't but I was having a conversation the other day with God and I recognised that writing for people's approval doesn't really do me much good. I can't be afraid of people's opinions all the time- after all, I have plenty of my own and they're not always positive...

I'm not an artist or a musician, a mathematician or a scientist but I know I love to write. And for this reason I'm aware it's where I struggle most, that's a good tip for anyone reading this- tried and tested; the area you struggle in the most is a good indication of where you'll prosper the most but it tends to get down trodden and forgotten sometimes, amidst us tending to those wounds from the assaults we encounter going through that beautiful thing we call life. Is anything in this world worth anything ever easy?

I used to write with the intention of trying to come across literate, well spoken and I'd be so annoyed if I'd spotted any spelling mistakes. In doing this I stunted my gift's growth because guess what I'm all of those things. I am literate and well spoken and I'm also human so I'm bound to get it wrong sometimes.

Any who, my qualm today I guess is what this world deems as attractive. I sometimes wish everyone would wake the hell up! Literally- including myself. The constant brainwashing in media and retail is shocking. One of my lecturers told me once that there is no such thing as conspiracy if the plan is blatantly obvious. You either choose to acknowledge what's going on or you don't... Some people will go crazy with paranoia others will just get high and drunk- ignorance is bliss and all that.

I was having a conversation with my friend the other day about lack of soul in music these days. As I stated above I'm no musician so in relation to the industry these days I guess this makes me more qualified than most to share with you whats hot and what's not.

Music has lost it's soul- and I'm sure there's been plenty of conversations had about this but I thought I'd throw in my 2pennies worth anyway. I actually remember the days when it used to be an art... There was soul, passion and truth and most importantly talent. Regardless of what genre it was- it was organic and unique to every artist. These days this trash gets on my damn nerves. Pure noise and so repetitive it's unreal and that's even before I've listened to the words, and then I try to listen to the lyrics over that annoying melody and realise why it's drowned out. It's sad. I have to admit the most annoying is when I find myself humming away to it whilst bopping my head a couple of hours later- grrrr! Where's all the Lauren Hills at?? 'mixing hip hop with scripture' Jill Scott, even Mariah's gone missing for a minute...? I suppose they got a life...:-)

I'm expected to buy into an artist as a product rather than a musician- no thanks. I feel kind of sorry for them really, all that money and no identity. All that fame and no peace? Yes the fleshy part of me could do with a few thousand thrown my way but really at the cost of my soul?

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? Matt 16:26

I'm totally baffled the way the world is completely warped and no one bats an eye lid. Everyone's completely comfortable in this hyper reality, in the rat race, chasing the money, it's enough to make me feel claustrophobic in the middle of an empty field. Then we get onto to the real reason I was inspired to write this blog. I met up with an old flame the other day and I was so excited at the way our meeting went. The flesh (a term used for emotions and the human body and its physical or sensual nature as opposed to the soul or spirit related- dictionary.com) was loving it- sparks were flying and all sorts. For a while I glimpsed internal changes- deep ones and it made me really excited (oh naive little me)

When it came down to the crunch he fell so far short I couldn't decide whether I was happy I'd found out now or disappointed at the fact that the things I'd found so unattractive in him were things that could only be turned around by God himself. Looks wise- on point! Swag wise 'ding ding ding' mind, spirit and soul wise... 'Oh Lord why??'

I recall being so angry with God but thankful at the same time. Thankful my mindset had been renewed to a place where all the biceps and bling in the world couldn't do it for me if there was no substantial strength in a man's mind and courage in his heart. When I speak about this strength it takes me back to an amazing book called Captivating- the first passive man was Adam. As if standing there and watching Eve blatantly disobeying his creator isn't bad enough- he had to partake in the act and have the cheek thousands of years later to blame it all on her. How about you be the man??? How about you take authority? How about you use the strength and heart God put in you for once? It talks in the book about how when Eve needed Adam to 'be the man' the most he ducked out and failed miserably - remind you of anyone? And guys wonder why women are the way they are today- secretly or not so secretly they want you to take control- they want you to be the hero, the rescuer, the prince on the white horse, but frankly in this day and age if I didn't know God's promises for me and I was waiting around for that to happen who knows what state I'd end up in.

My friend always takes the mick out of broken girls. Girls that sleep around and who pursue any man that walks by, he makes poems and songs exposing this un natural behaviour. I must admit I'm not all for the way he does it sometimes but it is interesting to see how women have come to the understanding that they must take control because if they don't they'll be left out in the cold- alone, the sad irony is, is the men they're chasing will never take control in the way they need them too- like I said spending all day in the gym training and working on your muscles by no means guarantees a strong mind and courageous and good heart.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder- I suppose my point is is that I'm glad God is working on me. I used to love that repetitive nonsense they called music that had no meaning and lacked heart- I used to also be attracted to the same type of guy who had a weak mind but a winning smile. I guess that's all changing- so where does that leave me in terms of life long companionship - I can answer that R.I.C.H (Resting in Christ's hands)

Yours truly


Monday 18 July 2011

Forgive and Remember...

Forgive and Forget Remember...
21 Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” 
22 Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Matthew 18: 21-22

So, something that’s been following me around like a bad smell lately is the issue concerning forgiveness.
I’m pretty sure– certain in fact that we all at some point, if not currently are faced with this issue. Whether the ‘wrong’ that has been done to us is big or small we are faced with two choices:

  1.  ‘Forgive and forget'
This really translates into ‘get over it momentarily, pretend everything’s fine for an easy life and eventually it will be forgotten and all is forgiven’. That is... until that next time the person messes up and the memories come flooding back all too quickly... what then? Defences come down, emotions spring up like a dormant volcano and something that was so small explodes uncontrollably into something so big with consequences that are often irreversible and much harder to forgive or ever forget.

     2.    Don’t forgive, don’t forget swallow the bitter pill of un-forgiveness and ‘move on’.

See with this one it’s all well and good until friends and family have disappeared and things are awkward at work because you don’t speak to anyone anymore. Consumed in bitterness you drive a wedge between those that you love and you’re left out in the cold with only your resentment keeping you company.

Both choices are tried and tested personally and both have failed.

Forgiveness is a constant decision, not just a one off choice. It takes commitment and humility. It takes mercy and patience- it takes reminding. To be all of those things I don’t know about you but it doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m not strong enough to battle that war alone. It’s God’s strength and not my own that will help me be all those things. Now I understand that part I’m faced with the reality that remembering hurts, it becomes a case of re-living the pain, the anger, the sadness and all the emotions that followed the betrayal, the thoughtlessness, the insensitivity or whatever the incident may have been.

Who really wants to relive something that hurt them, every day and every moment? Having it replayed in your mind and your heart and each time more painful than the one before. All we want to do really is forget and move on, get over it and leave it in the past. Do you ever feel like that? But then there’s a feeling of something holding you back?

The problem with choices one and two at the top of this page is that both options allow the problem to manifest and give it the opportunity to fester and grow. Whether it is buried deep down (which I always find causes further damage in the long run) or whether it is played out at the forefront and divides relationships and causes animosity, either way there is always guaranteed damage.

I know the potential option that involves remembering doesn’t seem that appealing at the moment but hear me out.

I find whenever the Lord wants me to catch something he speaks through all kinds of things; situations, conversations with friends, music, television, anything. Well lately he’s been speaking through everything!

My personal obstacle with forgiveness that I have been faced with for a while concerns forgiving someone who broke my heart. Now we’ve all been there and it’s far from easy to bounce back from.

My attitude of late has been ‘I’ve done enough. It was enough to distance myself from him so now I’m free from the whole situation. I’ve forgiven him and forgotten about everything so time to move on with my life.’ (option 1)

But as anticipated it’s repeating on me. While revisiting the root of the problem seems undesirable, there seems little else to do as my current way of dealing with my heartache doesn’t seem to be any better.

My guards are firmly up, my vulnerable wounded heart is safely guarded behind a 10ft tall wall of steal and ‘aint no man getting through that baby. ‘ Lol. So every relationship I ever have with a man following this heartbreak seems doomed before it’s even begun, I have testimonies of that too which is sad. And this isn’t to say I can’t or haven’t dated since then or spoken to guys, this is to confess that there is always a line drawn to how far it can go, there’s always a cap on how much I am willing to give, there is always a limit to how much I let someone in.

Mistrust and insecurity, uncertainty and fear blocks every exit. I have to say the worst part about it all is that my heart is completely comfortable behind this wall, but my spirit yearns for companionship. I find it’s all good and well no hurt getting in, but what about the love that I want to come out? Does the struggle of remembering and going through the hurt for a short time to forgive, outweigh the consequences of un forgiveness in the long run?

A favourite quote of mine:

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable...The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers of love...is Hell” (C.S Lewis, The Four Loves)

So my friend puts it to me recently, her personal issues with forgiveness, (coincidence? I think not!). She was watching SATC (not always a good idea on your own in a vulnerable state) and she asks my advice on whether I think it’s a good idea for her to forgive two people she feels she has things unsettled with. My friend is so profound and I love her; she says ‘God wants us to make peace with everyone but is impulse the right way?’  She went onto explain that she wanted to use facebook as a means of reaching out and letting the other people know basically that all is forgiven and no hard feelings on her part.

This led me to a few questions. In the process of forgiveness is the ‘guilty party’ significant? If so should their response affect our choice? What are our true intentions when involving them and letting them know they are forgiven?

My response to this was that I don’t believe making peace is wrong in fact it’s really good but is it something that needs to involve other people?  For instance, when we actively involve the other person in the forgiveness process are we seeking affirmation from them? Regret on their part? Some sort of accountability displayed from them that can give us that peace that comes from us being in the right and them accepting they were in the wrong?

My only problem with this then is that if our actions at that moment in time when we are feeling forgiving are dictated by the response we expect and hope for and maybe aren’t responded to in the way we would like- what then? What about the increased pressure it puts on our emotions for the person to turn around and have forgotten about it ages ago- or even worse believe they have nothing to be forgiven for or sorry about? What then?

Once we have made the first move by telling them we forgive them don’t we just surrender all rights to be angry, mad upset or hurt over what they did?  With a valid response from them ‘I thought you said you’d forgiven me for that?’

Isn’t forgiveness our actions and not our words?

For me, I pray that forgiveness doesn’t necessarily involve the person... (I know hiding away doesn’t help) but is something between me and God. I understand it is something I will have to learn and a skill that needs refining every day.

My friend wisely questioned whether her impulsive actions were a good idea even though her intentions and heart were in the right place, and she was right to do so. Just because we feel like forgiving today doesn’t mean we may feel like forgiving tomorrow. This is not to say that by choosing not to inform the other person of our plans to forgive them, we are free to change our minds and pick and choose when we feel like forgiving. However, time used wisely and counselling by the person who knows all about forgiveness (Jesus) is often what’s needed.

By being offered the opportunity to work through issues of un forgiveness and question why we are hurt and deal with it and question why it still bothers us and deal with it and really get to the root of the problem, will help us to understand ourselves more and the forgiveness shown to the other person will be fruits of that process that uncover the path of counselling we have taken rather than a pressure to always be amicable because we SAID we’d forgiven them.

This would hopefully help us to avoid those situations where we find ourselves defensively reaching out for the first harsh words that spring to mind, shaming the other person concerning their short comings when they are wrong again or do something to upset us, or for instance when the person wants to ring us up picking up from where we left off and we find that we are still hurt, but having to sweep those feelings back underneath the carpet. But we face it properly, treat it as a brand new situation and practice humility, patience and mercy towards our friends, family co workers or whoever.

My good friend always says your character speaks for you and she also told me that un forgiveness is like drinking the poison and waiting for the other person to die- when we act resentful and bitter we hurt and hold back no one but ourselves.

I find that my issues concerning not forgiving others root from not being able to forgive myself. I am a Christian and a firm believer that Jesus died so I would be forgiven. I’ve finally come to the realization that I’m far from perfect J and that counting my wrongs will take forever but if Jesus can forgive me my sins that is all the more reason for me to let go of my grudges and forgive others. I am beginning to understand that for every person that I need to forgive I need to be forgiven by somebody else.

So to conclude I have another option to add

               3. Be merciful. Forgive and remember.

Remind yourself daily to forgive. Ask for help from God for the strength to be able to do it. Enjoy peace and honour your relationships.

Yours Truly

Love x

Wednesday 18 May 2011

If I'm not me who else will be?

What's good Lovelies... you have officially landed (and so have I- finally!)

It's taken me a while but I got here in the end. I figured there are some darn good insights I have out of life that this world is missing out on because I can't get over myself. I've been so selfish forgive me...:-)

Soooo, welcome to the wonderful world of Loveli...Here goes nothing...

For those who know me and those who don't I love reading, writing and learning... (yawn- ok ok, I have to set the scene though) This is my passion. It's where I am my most creative and reflective.

As of late I have been recording snippets of these revelations on my twitter follow meeeeeee!!! @Planet_Loveli on Twitter but twitter only allows me to use 140 characters which is so frustrating (people who have switched off already would probably agree this is a good job) but nehoo i want Planet_Loveli blog to act as a sort of spin off from my tweets :-)

The journey to this composition box has been all but smooth and easy, as my plan for this blog has always been to give away my heart and allow people an insight into my world and the #loveli perspective so pray that this gets published. (past attempts I've written out all this spiel and it stays in the draft list, unfinished and unread)

I promise not to make my posts too long winded (I've been told I beat around the bush a lilly) and as beneficial to you as possible although -I apologise in advance if my life lessons are an inconvenience to you I'm sure the 'back button' is around here somewhere...

BUT without further ado welcome to my world, my thoughts, my revelations, my journey, my opinions and my life. I hope this becomes a blog that challenges, stimulates and can change minds and if not then can at least be a good read! Feel free to comment and discuss I'm interested in your opinions too

Yours truly
